Data Information
Annual Publications
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Links for UD Department Chairs
Links for External Community
Facts & Figures 2021-2022
To view previous years’ data select from the drop-down list below.
Administrative and Academic Leaders
Students -- Admissions
- First-Time First-Year Admissions Activity
- Distribution of Admissions Applications and Accepted Offers (with figures)
- Average SAT Scores By Residency for First-Time First-Year Students
- Twenty-Five Most Popular Undergraduate Majors
- Twenty-Five Most Popular Undergraduate Minors
- Twenty-Five Most Popular Undergraduate Double Majors
Students -- Enrollment - Overall
Students -- Enrollment by Residency and Selected Demographic Characteristics
- Total Undergraduate Students and Newark Campus Undergraduates
- Total Entering First-time, First-year Undergraduate Students and Newark Campus Entering First-time, First-year Undergraduates
- Total Undergraduate Students and Associate in Arts Program Undergraduates
- Total Entering First-time, First-year Undergraduate Students and Associate in Arts Program Entering Frist-time, First-year Undergraduates
- Graduate and Professional & Continuing Studies
Students -- Enrollment by Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity - Undergraduate Newark Campus
Students -- Enrollment by Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity - Undergraduate Associate in Arts Program
Students -- Enrollment by Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity - Graduate and Professional & Continuing Studies
Students -- Retention & Graduation Rates
Students -- Degrees Completed and Post-Graduation Plans
- Employee Breakdown by Time Status, Category, Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Employee Breakdown by Category, Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Full-Time Faculty and Staff Breakdown by College
- Full-Time Employee Breakdown by Category, Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Part-Time Employee Breakdown by Category, Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Full-Time Faculty Breakdown by Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Part-Time Faculty Breakdown by Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Full-Time Faculty Breakdown by College, Gender and IPEDS Race/Ethnicity
- Number of Faculty By Rank and Tenure Status
- Part-Time Faculty By Rank and Tenure Status
- Tenure Status Among Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty
- Average Total Compensation of Full-Time Faculty by Rank
- Statement of Operating Activities
- Operating Revenue, Expenses and Transfers (figures)
- Change in Net Assets
- Expenditures for Externally Sponsored Activities
- Undergraduate Tuition, Fees, Room and Board Charges
- Undergraduate Student Charges at UD and Selected Admissions Competitors
University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
University of Delaware Administrative Organizational Chart (see UD web live link for current Organizational Chart)
University of Delaware Institutional and Specialized Accreditors
Notice of Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action