Data Tables and Calculations
The Cost Study results are structured into tables that are both numbered and lettered.
Table letters represent a focus on one of the faculty classifications, or indicate that the table is focusing on the online data.
A: Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
B: Other Regular Faculty
C: Supplemental faculty
D: Teaching assistants who taught credit bearing courses
E: Teaching assistants who taught non-credit bearing courses
F: All Faculty Combined
O: Online
Table numbers indicate the different types of data you will find in each table.
Table 1: Percent SCH and OCS by Faculty Category within Course Level
Table 2: Percent SCH and OCS by Course Level within Faculty Category
Table 3: SCH, OCS, and FTE Students per FTE Faculty
Table 4: Instructional Cost Ratios
*Tables 1-3 are calculated from fall data (Part 2) and Table 4 is calculated from annual data (Part 3)
Click here for a complete list of the Calculated Metrics by Table.