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Institution Administrator

The Institution Administrator is the primary point of contact between the The Cost Study and a participating institution. This user is granted full access to all of the features in the web portal and has the primary responsibility for uploading data, completing the validation process, receiving final reports and requesting peer analyses. Only one Institution Administrator will be assigned to each institution. Login credentials, including username and password, are assigned by The Cost Study team. Contact ire-cost@udel.edu for assistance with gaining access to these credentials.

View Only

View Only users have the ability to view the data entry forms for their institution; however, they cannot edit or submit data or view any reports in the web portal. This type of user access is most commonly used to allow chairs, directors, or deans to view their programs’ data forms before they are submitted to the study. Login credentials, including usernames and passwords, are assigned by Institution Administrators. Institutions may assign an unlimited number of View Only users in the web portal.

Report Viewer

Report Viewers have the ability to view reports, including benchmark reports, approved peer requests, and some institution reports. Report Viewer access is ideal for a Provost or administrator who wants to review reports, or for a Data Analyst creating visualizations from study results. Each institution can request two Report Viewer users, and these users will have access to the reports for active study years for their institution. Login credentials, including username and password, are assigned by The Cost Study team. Contact ire-cost@udel.edu for assistance with gaining access to these credentials.