Benchmark Reports
Benchmark Reports provide comparative data from The Cost Study. Explore the Benchmark Reports to decide which comparisons are best for your institution!
Tableau and Excel Dashboards
Norms (Norm Tables, Ratio Tables, Quartiles)
Peer Analyses (Standard and Program-Specific)
Three-Year-Average Report
Your Institution Reports
Your Institution Reports provide the data and calculated metrics for your institution only. These reports can be used to save a copy of your annual submission and for comparison with the many benchmark reports available.
Raw Data Downloads:
Data submission file (Excel)
Data entry forms (PDF)
Program notes (Excel)
Validation Tools:
Red Flag Report
Institution Reports:
Approved institution report
Snapshot report (PDF)
Direct Instructional Expense per Student Credit Hour Report
Page 2 (from the Data Entry Form)
Cost Study Reports
Cost Study Reports help you see what data is going to be available in the portal for the current study year. These reports can be especially helpful for seeing which institutions are represented in the norm groups, and for selecting institutions and programs for a custom peer analysis.
Institutions with Approved Data
Institutions by CIP with Approved Data