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Data Dictionary – Fall Semester Organized Class Sections (OCS)

Fall Semester OCS Levels

Fall Semester OCS Levels

Refer to the Course definition for additional information when completing this portion of your data submission.

The same conventions mentioned in the Student Credit Hours definition apply to reporting counts of Organized Class Sections. The Cost Study collects data on the number of lab/discussion/recitation sections (both undergraduate and graduate combined) taught by each type of faculty, whether or not they carry any credit, along with lecture sections and all other OCS, aggregated to the level of instruction and faculty type.


  • Undergraduate and graduate individualized instruction is not assigned any corresponding OCS.
  • Refer to the Course definition to ensure that you are not double counting dual and cross listed courses.


Lab/Discussion/Recitation Sections (Undergraduate and Graduate) by Faculty Type

Undergraduate Lower Division OCS by Faculty Type

Undergraduate Upper Division OCS by Faculty Type

Graduate OCS by Faculty Type

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