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Fall Semester Undergraduate SCH

Refer to the Student Credit Hours and Course definitions when completing this portion of your data submission.


  • Non-Credit Bearing TAs do not have any corresponding SCH; however, they will have corresponding OCS counts (e.g., a non-credit bearing TA that is responsible for a zero-credit lab section).
  • Fall semester undergraduate SCH is collected for two types of courses: organized class sections (lower division and upper division) and individualized instruction. Total undergraduate SCH is also collected.
  • Refer to the Course definition to ensure that you are not double counting dual and cross listed courses.

Undergraduate Lower Division by Faculty Type

Courses typically associated with the first and second years of college study.

Undergraduate Upper Division by Faculty Type

Courses typically associated with the third and fourth years of college study.

Undergraduate Individualized Instruction by Faculty Type

Note: Undergraduate individualized instruction is not assigned any corresponding OCS.

Total Undergraduate SCH by Faculty Type

Total undergraduate SCHs should be entered into the data upload file; however, they will also be calculated automatically in the web portal.

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Fall Semester Graduate SCH

Refer to the Student Credit Hours and Course definitions when completing this portion of your data submission.


  • Fall semester graduate SCH is collected for two types of courses: organized class sections and individualized instruction. Total graduate SCH is also collected.
  • Refer to the Course definition to ensure that you are not double counting dual and cross listed courses.

Graduate SCH by Faculty Type

Graduate Level Instruction: Courses typically associated with post-baccalaureate study.

Graduate Individualized Instruction

Note: Graduate individualized instruction is not assigned any corresponding OCS.

Total Graduate SCH by Faculty Type

Total graduate SCHs should be entered into the data upload file; however, they will also be calculated automatically in the web portal.

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Fall Semester Supervised Doctoral Dissertation SCH

Provide the SCH that are devoted to supervising doctoral dissertation. Note: This value should be a subset of the fall semester graduate SCH for individualized instruction.

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Fall Semester ONLINE SCH

Refer to the ONLINE Instruction definition when completing this portion of your data submission.

Note: Fall semester ONLINE SCH counts should be reported as subsets of their corresponding fall semester SCH counts.

All Fall ONLINE SCH (Undergraduate and Graduate)

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